Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ya'll Are Bringing It!

Van did a wonderful job Sunday, as usual! He taught about Jacob and Rebecca in one of those stories where we learn a lot about what not to do. Yet, as I sat there Sunday it wasn't Jacob or Rebecca that ministered to me, but you. I am so thankful for God giving us the Bible His record of miracles He has performed, but it is also so wonderful to hear you give testimonies of how He is performing miracles among us today.

We started this class as a way to minister to people's marriages. I don't think we were prepared for how much the enemy would attack those marriages. Yet, as in everything, God just used those trials to flat out show off! In our Sunday School class you are sitting in the midst of some miraculous marriages and some faithful people who allowed God to break them and use them.

I love each of you so much. It's funny to me that I started out in this class to be a "teacher" and instead I have been incredibly blessed to learn from you. So, here is my plea (yes, I'm begging you here people): I don't think we will ever know this side of Heaven how we can touch other people with our testimonies. I can't tell how I was moved by early morning neighbors and wrong phone numbers Sunday. Please share with us when you see God moving in your lives or the lives of others. You can leave a comment or e-mail Me, Betty, Kyla, or Jen with your stories and we'll post them here. These can be things that happened in the past which you can see in hindsight or things that are happening right now. Most importantly, please know they can be big or small! God may have saved you from being squished by a falling piano, but it's just as important to share when he helped you get through a tough day at work.

I'm begging you to share because we all know we all at one time or the other walk in a valley where we can't seem to see God, and we as a family need to constantly be affirming with each other that He's alive and well and working for the good of those who love Him.

So, let's get it going people. Let this blog become God's bragging board! He deserves it and we all need it!

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